By : Anne-Laure Brénéol

With : Philippe Caubère
France, 2001, PAL, 1.66 - 90 mn
zone 2, couleur, mono
15.00 €

Directed by : Anne-Laure Brénéol

with : Philippe Caubère
France, 2001, PAL, 1.66 - 90 mn
zone 2, colors, mono


A jump into the daily creation, into the intimacy of one of the most fascinating man of the French contemporary theatre. From confessions to rehearsals, from burst of laughter to memorable clashes, from press interviews to tiredness moments, some slices of life which create an amazing puzzle around this outstanding man.

DVD 1 : film, press articles, pictures

DVD 2 :
Behind the scenes of the film
Interview of Philippe Caubère (2006 - 40mn)
Interview of Anne-Laure Brénéol (2006-52 mn)
a CONDAMNED MAN'S BALLAD (La Ballade d'un condamné) (1993 · 13 mn), first short film directed by Anne-Laure Brénéol with Rufus
Exclusive cut scenes (20 min) with preamble
Rushes presenting Caubère at work (30 mn)
Extracts of "Claudine and the Theatre" shot by Anne-Laure Brénéol (20 mn), at Avignon Festival in 2000
Trailer (2 mn)

Watch a video excerpt :